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[近期活动] 英国前部长:禁止华为和国安没有关系









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发表于 2022-1-18 21:25:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2022年1月10日星期一时候,英国曾负责生意和工业 (Business and Industry) 部的部长 Vince Cable说, 英国禁止华为和国家安全没有任何关系,而是因为 “美国人叫我们禁的”。他也说道,英国的情报局屡次提供确认,华为的服务没有风险。

UK banned Huawei because US told us to: former minister

The UK government’s decision to ban Huawei 5G equipment and services “had nothing to do with national security,” and was because of American pressure, a former business and industry minister has said.

Speaking at an event on Monday, Vince Cable, who served as Business and Industry minister for five years in the coalition government led by David Cameron, said that the decision against the Chinese tech giant was taken “because the Americans told us we should do it.”


Cable, who has a reputation for being more sympathetic towards China than most UK officials, added that during his tenure as minister, the intelligence and security services gave repeated assurances that there was no risk posed by using Huawei services.

同时,在2021年11月份德国举行的Konrad Adeneur Siftung智库座谈会上,新加坡前外交官Kishore Mahbubani说到,2020年1月份,一个非常有地位的英国公民告诉他,“我们(英国)在华为内部种下内线,彻底清查。华为对我们不是威胁”。

China challenges Britain over Huawei ban after reports intelligence services found no security threatChina has challenged the UK to justify its ban on Huawei Technologies amid claims British intelligence had "planted people" in the Chinese telecoms giant and concluded there was no national security threat. Foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said on Monday that he wanted to "listen to what...

Zhao was responding to a question about the comments made by Kishore Mahbubani, Singapore's former representative to the United Nations, who said he had been told by a "very distinguished British citizen" that the UK had been investigating Huawei.

Mahbubani said that in January 2020 he was told: "We have planted our people in Huawei. We have scrubbed everything. Huawei is not a threat to us."


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